We are often asked here at ProForm Coupon how our ProForm promo code works to help people save. If you have been wondering if our promo code can help you with your next ProForm purchase, you are in luck, because that’s exactly what we will be discussing today.
ProForm Coupons Work All The Time
One of the first and most important things for you to know about our ProForm promo code is that it works all the time. By this, we mean that you can use our promo coupon to save all year long, no matter what may be happening on the main ProForm shopping site.
Our promo code never expires or has blackout date where it does not work. So, if you want to use it to catch a limited inventory piece of equipment or you want to stack it on top of a great sale price, you can go right ahead and just do it.
Meet The Cart Summary Threshold To Save
To utilize our ProForm promo code, you will need to stop by our site and click on one of the “Claim Coupon” links. These links all work the same way, saving you 5% on your ProForm purchase. The links also all take you to the main ProForm site to do your shopping.
Once you are redirected, the coupon is already waiting in your cart. All you need to do is shop and reach the price threshold to activate the savings our promo code provides. However, if you don’t meet the threshold price, it will not activate.
An example of this would be if you wanted to purchase the ProForm Hybrid Trainer Pro, which is a recumbent bike and an elliptical in one compact machine. This machine is usually priced at $599 while the threshold to activate our promo code is $899 or higher, leaving you with an order summary that looks like this:
As you see, the price is unchanged. However, if you add something to raise the price at or over the threshold, the coupon will activate. So, if you want to outfit your home gym and add the ProForm SMART Performance 400i treadmill, you can have a result like the one below.
You don’t necessarily have to use this combination. Our ProForm promo code works as long as your shopping total reaches $899 or more.
Use Our ProForm Coupon Online Only
Lastly, you will need to shop online on ProForm, as our coupon code does not work anywhere else online or offline. So, if you are ready to save on all your future ProForm purchases, be sure to stop by and snag our ProForm promo code before you go shopping!