Treadmills are a coveted piece of fitness equipment and for a good reason. Not only are treadmills user-friendly, but they also allow you to utilize a variety of training variables to reach your fitness goals – right from the comfort of a touchscreen or handlebars.
In addition, treadmills are also the perfect outlet for those needing to run indoors, whether due to safety, convenience, weather, or overall preference.
Using a treadmill will allow you to build your aerobic endurance and lower body strength; this, in turn, can aid in weight loss efforts, boost mental health, and improve posture – just to name a few benefits!
With that said, it can be overwhelming to see the number of treadmills available on the market that will suit your needs appropriately. Today, we’ll discuss the treadmills from ProForm and LifeSpan; from there, you can determine if a particular brand is better for you and your wellness goals.
ProForm Treadmills
ProForm currently offers three different series of treadmills; this includes the Pro, Carbon, and City machines. The two Pro treadmills are priced between $1,599 and $1,799 and have a 30-day membership to the iFit community.
This virtual platform allows access to thousands of streaming and on-demand workouts, all of which can be viewed on 10” and 22” touchscreens. Each Pro treadmill has a 0-12 mph speed range and can decline to -3% while inclining to 12%.
The next series of treadmills is the Carbon series; these three machines range in price from $1,199 to $1,599 and also include a 30-day iFit membership (the Carbon T7 includes a three-year family membership with purchase).
The workouts and virtual trainers can be viewed on 7” to 14” touchscreens. The Carbon series of treadmills do not allow the user to go into a decline, only an incline of 10-12%. The speed for these treadmills ranges from 0-10 mph.
The City series has one treadmill currently, which retails for $599. This foldable treadmill includes a 30-day iFit membership, but access will need to be on your iPhone or tablet, which you can store on the treadmill as you exercise. The speed ranges from 0-8 mph on the City L6, and the footprint is smaller so that it can be stored easily.
LifeSpan Treadmills
LifeSpan also offers three different series of treadmills: Home Fitness, Light Commercial, and Commercial Series. The seven Home Fitness treadmills currently range in price from $449.99 to $1,499.99.
All treadmills in this particular series are foldable, making them a good option for those low on space who want a smaller footprint for the home or office. In addition, depending upon your fitness goals, you’ll be able to find a treadmill that has a touchscreen or LCD that will clearly show your speed and resistance levels as you log your miles.
The Light Commercial series has two treadmills, ranging in price from $1,599 to $2,499. The TR5500iM can fold in half for that smaller footprint, allowing a -2% decline and 13% incline.
The TR6000i is not foldable but does have an oversized motor for those more powerful and longer-distance runs. With -a 3% decline and 13% incline, it gives you the best of both worlds!
Lastly, the Commercial Series has one treadmill, the TR7000iM, and it is currently sold out. If you want to watch this machine, note that it has an 18.5” touchscreen and 5 HP motor, with -a 3% decline and 12% incline. There are also medical handlebars on the TR7000iM, which can be helpful if you’re cognisant of balance and coordination.
The Bottom Line
Both Proform and Lifespan make high-quality treadmills with a variety of machines for every need and budget.
The iFit community that comes with Proform equipment makes it extremely popular and engaging to use. So, it’s essential to consider things beyond just the specs and price of any piece of equipment.