Proform is having a sale right now on two of their new treadmills. The sale includes the Pro2000, which is $700 off normal price, and the Power 995C, which is $1,000 off their normal price. They are calling this the “stick to your resolutions sale,” and with this winter weather we have been having, getting a treadmill might just be the only way to actually stick with the goals you made at the beginning of this month!
Speaking of which, have you been able to stay on track with your goals so far? Here are some tips to help you out!
- Don’t overload yourself with too many goals. If you are having a hard time working on your resolutions for this year, you probably made too many for yourself. Try cutting back and eliminating goals that you really don’t have time to focus on. You can always add them back in as more time opens up!
- Write your goals down, and make copies to post everywhere you can think of! The refrigerator, the mirrors in all of the bathrooms, your computer’s screen saver and/or desktop picture, and your car dash board are prime locations! Seriously, the more you see the resolutions, the better off you will be because you will be constantly reminded about them!
- Split each resolution up into smaller segments and focus on each segment at a time! If you have a goal to lose 60 lbs this year, that amounts to 5 lbs per month, so focus on that bite sized piece. Losing 5 lbs sounds a lot easier than losing 60, and before you know it, the end of the year will roll around and you’ll still be right on track!
So take Proform’s advice and “Stick to your Resolutions” this year! You definitely won’t regret it, and you will feel so good after accomplishing what you set out to do at the beginning of the year!
Don’t forget that you can always use one of our Proform Coupons on top of these sale prices in order to get even more money taken off of the final price!