Regardless of how you incorporate cardiovascular activity into your workout routine, there are many physical benefits, from increased heart and lung strength to improved metabolism and a decrease in diseases like diabetes and cancer. Everyone can benefit from getting some heart-pumping workouts in their weekly regime!
In most fitness centers and even smaller health and wellness boutiques, you’ll find a multitude of workout equipment; treadmills, stationary bikes, and stairmasters are all popular pieces to help boost cardiovascular health. However, there are two other machines that might also be quite frequented – and that is the elliptical and the rower.
These machines can benefit both brand new exercisers and elite athletes alike and can be used and modified in specific ways to get a workout that fits your needs. But which one is actually a better workout?
Before we go into detail about determining which machine is better suited for the workout you are aiming for, let’s break down each machine and then give you the information needed in order for you to decide whether the rowing machine or the elliptical is best for you!
Rowing Machine Benefits
Thankfully, you don’t need experience out on the water in order to be an excellent rower – or, to get a good workout, for that matter! Rowing is an exercise that works the entire body, and that is one of the main benefits of a rowing machine.
Not only do you work the upper body, but your lower body and core as well…making this an ideal way to strengthen and tone from head to toe. Another plus to rowing is that it is a low-impact activity. But you can still get a heart pounding workout and build muscle, all while having little to no impact on joints. This is wonderful news for those needing cardiovascular training, but are tending to injuries within the knees, hips, ankles, or even the shoulders.
Elliptical Benefits
The elliptical machines are typically very busy at fitness centers, and for good reason – they’re a wonderful machine for working the lower body. Some ellipticals also have handles that move, allowing you to utilize the upper body as well.
Ellipticals are also useful for improving overall balance and coordination and can help strengthen the core muscles when used at a manageable and appropriate level. Working out on an elliptical also allows for low-impact exercise while still strengthening and building muscles simultaneously.
This is perfect for those looking to perform a cardiovascular activity but is possibly recovering from an injury or are looking for a different means of active recovery on their cardiovascular endurance days.
Which is Better?
This will all come down to fitness goals for someone. The rowing machine is a full-body workout, and the elliptical will focus more on the lower body, especially if a machine without moveable handles is utilized.
Calorie-wise, the rowing machine burns more calories in a workout session than an elliptical. However, that can also vary depending on the level of intensity of a workout.
Bottom Line
The “best” machine will be highly dependent on the goals and needs of each individual. The elliptical and rowing machines are fabulous pieces of fitness equipment, and both have their place within the realm of cardiovascular training.
You’ll need to determine how much upper body you want to incorporate into your workout and if you’d like to also focus on your balance and coordination at the same time. In the end, you’ll get a good workout with both the elliptical and the rower – just determine the factors that define each machine that might be best for you!